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Masumi Hayashi Book Now Available!

Photo of Masumi Legacy team book launch party, 10/29/17
Masumi Hayashi Book Launch Party, October 29, 2017. (From left: Linda Butler, Eli Becker, Garie Waltzer, Bill Lipscomb, Barbara Tannenbaum, Penny Rakoff, Dean Keesey, Judith McMillan)

Masumi Hayashi: Panoramic Photo Collages 1976-2006

Celebrating the pending availability of the book Masumi Hayashi: Panoramic Photo Collages 1976 – 2006, the Masumi Legacy Project group (seen here: Linda Butler, Eli Becker, Garie Waltzer, Bill Lipscomb, Barbara Tannenbaum, Penny Rakoff, Dean Keesey, and Judith McMillan), toasts the incredibly successful result!

Thanks to the huge crowd of Masumi fans and friends that came and picked up pre-ordered books, or bought books at the event. I had so much fun signing books with essay author, Barbara Tannenbaum, Cleveland Museum of Art Chair of Prints, Drawings, and Photographs, and Curator of Photography.

And so many thanks to Linda Butler and Dr. Steve Nissen, who hosted the party at their stunning new house, which is itself an architectural achievement in modern sustainability practices!

The book, published by Radius Books, and sold through high-end art book dealers and Amazon, is an amazing aesthetic achievement and would have made my mother proud! Thank you to David Chickee and the whole staff at Radius Books for the excellent design and execution of this book!

And, as always, special thanks go to Masumi Hayashi Foundation Partners, Mike and Mary Gentile at M. Gentile Studios for making the artwork available to Linda Butler, Penny Rakoff, and Garie Waltzer, as they evaluated artwork to be selected for the book, and then also for making the selected artworks ready for imaging!