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Masumi Hayashi Foundation

Organizing as a 501(c)(3)

Since Masumi passed in 2006, there are many people who have together spent countless hours working hard to care for the artwork that Dr. Masumi Hayashi created, keeping it safely preserved and stored, to keep it in the public eye, to get it framed, and exhibited, to get it published in magazines and books, to maintain the web properties of Dr. Hayashi, or to have it reproduced and enlarged in public spaces.

After years of working as an individual to maintain the physical artwork of Masumi Hayashi, making it available for exhibition, enabling other creative projects to reproduce Dr. Hayashi’s work in various publications, and operating individually as the Estate of Masumi Hayashi, I have decided to organize formally as the Masumi Hayashi Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. While the application is still pending, I want to express thanks to my new collaborators, Tricia and Mark Del Guercio at Non Profit Advisor Group who are helping me to effectively work through this rigorous process!

Hopefully, this will lay a solid foundation for the ongoing work of serving Dr. Hayashi’s artistic legacy and keeping Dr. Hayashi’s innovative and brilliant artwork available to the public for many years to come. Among other things, this should enable us to accept donations to help cover yearly expenses, which will then be tax deductible for donors.

While the process can take many more months, our official date of recognition will be Dec. 15, 2017, when the IRS determination comes through.

This website will be the public face of the Masumi Hayashi Foundation, and posts here should also appear on our Facebook page, (